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United States Hegemony in Outer Space for Mining the Moon

By: Vivi Diah Respatie

Since the Cold War ended, it’s more likely the sign that the space war was ready to be an international topic study for the next era. A study of the international politics of space, therefore, provides both a corrective to the idea that space programs are science-driven bureaucracies somehow aloof from the harsher realities of politics, and reveals case-studies of themes that are familiar in other dimensions of international relations.[1] In other words, the space war is identified allegedly to be the new kind of war at a later time. The Space Age began with the launch of Sputnik I in 1957, at a time when The Cold War was at its height and realism exercised a hegemonic dominance within the academic discipline of international relations.[2]

Practically, at this time, the superpower is still controlling the second space. Researchers said that the moon can be inspected to be a ‘petrol station’ for further space exploration. If it can be realized, the deep space will start immediately. The forthcoming technology is ready indeed. But if we see through a superpower perspective, that ‘petrol station’ will be a military base for its national security. Lately, the United States, as the superpower state, is concerning to encourage mining in the moon. In this last decade, the world may be racked by the pandemic, but Donald Trump has less earthly concerns on his mind, after signing executive order stating the United States has the right to mine the moon for minerals. It matters to commercialize the solar system; the US will get the potentially bountiful priceless resources. Besides that, this issue can be linked to US-China tensions.

The United States has historically been known as one superpower only over the world. Since the Soviet Union collapsed due to the Cold War, the Soviet Union economic sector was following its way—collapsed. This momentum made the United States as the only superpower, including the economic sector. But nowadays, China is starting to be seen as a big giant from Asia with assuredly rapid economic growth. Although not make a big deal in all sectors, China's hegemony in the economic sector is threatening the United States. This fear forces the US to find another way and make thousands of plans to deal with the upcoming threat. All in all, the United States hegemony will still exist in all space and time.

Outer space is an unusual object because international relations theory developed from and retained a geographic focus on accounts of power politics in Europe in the modern period.[3] Most people see the moon as a just sky object which seems barren. Naveen Jain, co-founder, and chairman of space-mining start-up Moon Express, see quadrillions of dollars’ worth of valuable minerals. “So many resources which are extremely rare on Earth are abundant on the moon,” Jain said, “We shouldn’t only be mining the Earth, we should be thinking of the moon as our eighth continent.” That rare earth element refers to the Helium-3—an ideal candidate fuel for nuclear fusion. Helium-3 is predicted to be a substitute for coal and petroleum. It will be the new expensive resource because of its rich mineral—yet untapped. A recent report from the Congressional Research Service—a study arm of the US Congress—reviewed the worldly use of rare earth elements for national defense[4] and economic well-being. This mining moon thing can be managed by private sectors with US government support. In this case, the United States is trying to colonize the moon to take gains economically.

Related to the US-China intentions, the moon space is intended to be a military base for US national security. To increase defense boundaries—keep a long-range with other states, the outer space is used to be the new defense and security spot—this pathway is hard to be reached. Not only for a military base but also for a new spot of energy resources without cooperating with other states instead. The increasingly fierce of US-China trade war—which supposed to be called a proxy war—will likely continue to the other stage type of war—space race. The China hegemony throughout the world that spreads rapidly makes the US fears that China could replace US hegemony. It is based on what Benjamin said, “The US has lost the race—other countries are ahead, like China and Russia.”[5] In this case, the US should have another plan to overcome this prediction. Benjamin said, “It will be really attractive to people like President Trump if you can get minerals in a place where the Chinese aren’t—like space.”[6] There has been tension between the US and China since President Trump came to power, and Benjamin says this is a chance for him to assert “dominance and leadership”.[7] In conclusion, this mining moon project was driven by several US political interests regarding its hegemony at this time. Not because of developing technologies, but because of the new military base and economic warfare.

[1] Michael Sheehan, 2007. The International Politics of Space. New York: Routledge. p.1.

[2] Ibid. p.7.

[3] John Hickman, 2019. “Research Viewpoint: International Relations and the Second Space Race Between the United States and China”. Astropolitics, September, Volume 17, p. 181.

[4] Leonard David, 2010. “Is Mining Rare Minerals on the Moon Vital to National Security?”. [Online]

Available at:

[Accessed 26 April 2020]

[5] Manish Pandey. & Michael Baggs., 2020. “Why does President Trump want to mine on the Moon?”. [Online] Available at

[Accessed 26 April 2020].

[6] Manish Pandey. & Michael Baggs., 2020. “Why does President Trump want to mine on the Moon?”. [Online] Available at

[Accessed 26 April 2020].

[7] Ibid.

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