Why Pancasila Must Remain a National Ideology in Indonesia?
By: Eka Tania Ulina Rifa’ah
Indonesia consists of various ethnic groups and religions. Indonesia has 6 religions officially recognized by the government and more than 300 ethnic groups or ethnic groups, more precisely 1,340 ethnic groups in the country according to the 2010 BPS census. The diversity of religions and ethnic groups certainly poses great challenges and threats to the Indonesian government. If the government makes the foundation or ideology of the state that is not by the background of the Indonesian people or even harms one of the parties, disunity can occur at any time.
After MPR Decree No. II / MPR / 1978 concerning P4 was revoked through MPR Decree No. XVIII / MPR / 1998 concerning the Pancasila Living and Practicing Guidelines (Ekaprasetia Pancakrasa) and the Stipulation on the Confirmation of Pancasila as the State Base, making Pancasila as the clear state of the state/principle contained in Article 1 of the MPR decree. That happens because Pancasila has values that cover all aspects of the Indonesian nation. Pancasila can be the basis or legal basis for the Indonesian people without religion or ethnicity.
Various problems that refer to the change of state ideology continue to emerge, such as the formation of a state based on religion which continues to be voiced by a certain group or liberalist practices in various aspects of life. Of course, this threat poses a serious threat to the Indonesian nation, because Indonesia is formed from a variety of ethnic and religious diversity. The formation of a religion-based state is certainly not easy and not in line with Pancasila. Problems like this have such a large impact because basically the state ideology is a determinant of the direction of a nation's journey. The existence of globalization has an impact on the Indonesian people about the existence of a "change" paradigm in understanding the practice of Pancasila. Globalization, of course, changes the mindset of Indonesian people about how to view an ideology, in addition to the positive impact of globalization which gives a negative impact. the existence of globalization makes information develop so rapidly and causes the waning of boundaries due to developments that occur in all aspects of life, especially in the fields of science and technology. The occurrence of this is not a few people who began to grow above the personality of foreign nations and began to abandon the values of Pancasila. That is the threat of ideological change for the Indonesian people. The change of ideology certainly has such a big impact on a country, there is no guarantee that the change of ideology will run smoothly. As experienced by Afghanistan, until now Afghanistan is still experiencing conflict and crossfire.
Pancasila was chosen as the ideology of the Indonesian nation because its values came from the original personality of the Indonesian people themselves. Pancasila has an important function and position in the Indonesian state, namely as the identity of the Indonesian nation, as an ideology of the nation and state of Indonesia, as a basis for state philosophy, and as a principle of the unity of the Indonesian nation. The identity of Pancasila must be reiterated, there is no other ideology that can replace Pancasila. Pancasila ideology must be truly applied in the life of the Indonesian people. Because the ideology of Pancasila is so strategic in Indonesia, seeing from the strategic position of Pancasila as the basis for unifying the nation, Pancasila must remain preserved and preserved through revitalization and actualization in the life of society, nation and state. The values of Pancasila need to be relayed from generation to generation through the education process so that Pancasila remains vital and actual as a unifying nation.
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