The New Normal World after COVID-19 Pandemic, Will It Happen?
By: Rayhan Fasya Firdausi
COVID-19 made 2020 different from previous years. Everyone was surprised, no one had thought this before. This coronavirus pandemic attacks quickly, with a very short but significant impact on world life, forever. Many things will change after this pandemic is over. As global citizens, are we ready?
Since the coronavirus attacked the world, the way we respond was different from the way we deal with previous virus outbreaks. This happened because the outbreaks before coronavirus only attacked certain areas with low rates of transmission and death, like Ebola which infected West Africa in 2014. The world's response to the coronavirus was very panic. The situation was out of control when China announced its first cases. Panic buying was happening everywhere. Conditions increasingly out of control when the WHO declared COVID-19 as a global pandemic. The world changes a moment. People are becoming more aware of their health, now everyone wants to wear a mask. People who were initially ignorant with small symptoms, now begin to get suspicious when someone nearby is coughing, especially if they are not covering their mouths. Not to mention if you sneeze, everyone becomes suspicious of each other. Their panic was increasing because this virus could spread through the air, from human to human.
Changes in the world due to the coronavirus do not only occur in the health aspect. As a result of this pandemic, WHO calls on us not to do activities outside the home. Physical distancing is applied everywhere with a distance of 2 meters between humans. We are also advised not to create a crowd. Some parties suggested lockdown, but the government chose Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). Thus, the spread of the coronavirus would be reduced. In harmony with WHO, President Jokowi also appealed to us to work, study and worship FROM HOME. Have you ever imagined we would have an online meeting using the Zoom application every day? Have students ever imagined that they have to take an online lecture with patience because their lecturers are not good at using applications? Have Muslims around the world ever imagined to abolish Friday prayers? Beyond that, many economic actors suffered losses, workers were fired because their bosses could not pay salaries. This is just a small part! We are required to make many adjustments to the situation, and most with technology.
Corona also changes human lifestyles. Initially, people like to travel to the mall or the cinema. We are doing #StayAtHome, so people like to shop online or watch movies on the paid web. The method of payment has also changed. Initially, people used cash payments, now the cashless method is the main way that can be used because we reduce touch through various objects, one of which is paper money.
Corona has indeed changed humans as the main inhabitants of this earth, but not only have we changed, this earth has also changed. What changed? With the reduced movement of people using public transportation, the earth is cleaner because there is no air pollution. Forest habitat is getting better. Seawater looks clearer. This is one of the positive effects of COVID-19. This raises new conclusions. During this time, humans are the source of damage to the earth. With reduced human movements, the earth can do "natural cleansing", and becoming more "healthy" than before.
Life in the world will gradually recover and return to normal after the COVID-19 pandemic ends, but with a "new" order. What's new? The biggest indicator is on the health aspect. People will wear masks when traveling, as well as applying health protocols, where handwashing using soap regularly becomes a special concern. The distance between people will also be considered. International trips will implement very strict health protocols, certainly with higher ticket prices to compensate for the losses they experience during the pandemic. Dependence on technology and the internet is indisputable. So people have to get used to meetings and distance learning. Do not rule out the possibility, environmentally friendly technologies and fuels will be developed to maintain the stability of the earth. The author is not sure when this pandemic ends, because all outbreaks cannot be declared over if the vaccine has not been found. Stay safe everyone!
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